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Chris Burke

Product Name <br>Kale Kale



Place of Origin <br>Emi Community University Farm, Zhongpu Township, Chiayi County

Cultivation method <br>Non-toxic|Hydroponics|Aquaponics|Ecological cycle of black soldier flies

Vegetable Name <br>Kale (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica L., English abbreviation: Kale), also known as kale, sea cabbage, leaf peony, peony, cauliflower, is a vegetable that can also be planted in flower beds. In Germany, it is a common popular vegetable in winter. Kale has a hard taste and should be shredded and eaten.

Nutritional value Kale is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, folic acid, calcium, iron and fiber, one quarter of the daily requirement of folic acid; the iron content of kale is similar to that of beef, and every 100 grams (about half a bowl of cooked) kale contains 1.15 mg of iron. Fiber aids in bowel movements and aids in bowel movements.
• Vitamins A and C have antioxidant effects, and vitamin A can better protect eye health.


Remarks: It is most suitable to eat balanced and not excessive. People with kidney disease and those taking blood thinning drugs/aspirin should be careful to eat 100 grams of kale, which contains 213 mg of potassium. Patients with kidney disease should not eat a lot, and they should check with their doctor before eating.

Non-toxic hydroponic vegetables in Zhongpu Township, Chiayi County: Kale Kale

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