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​meal delivery grandma picture book

Use reading to connect old and young generations, and let children know their elders deliver meals.

17 Friendly Partnership

截圖 2021-12-17 下午8.27.43.png

04Quality Education


​Silver Door Meal Delivery Platform for the Elderly x Dahao Cultural Enterprise

Facing the coming super-aging society,
How do children understand the world?


​What do elders usually eat? what are you doing?
Children are usually used to eating with their families, but it is not necessarily a common situation at the dinner table of the elders.

​Knock on the door of the elders: sip today


For children, the life of an elder who lives alone is a corner of society that has never been glimpsed. Open the color world of picture books, and let the children understand the issues of "local aging" and "care for the elderly" during the reading process of parents and children at home, and see the possibility of life after old age.

​Using reading to connect the old and the young


This time, we also invite companies to subscribe for picture books with love, so that the children of the Notre Dame Foundation in Puzi and Lucao Piaoxiang, Chiayi, can connect the understanding and connection between the old and the young through the reading of the picture books.

​The company sponsored the book to send books to the children of Pu Zi and Lucao Pianxiang

​Set off! Guide children to know the process of food delivery by their elders


  Which children will receive the picture books subscribed with love?


The children cared for by theauxiliary classes in the rural areas of the Catholic Notre Dame of China Foundation,

You will receive the "Meal Delivery Grandma's Picture Book" sponsored by everyone,
For the children of single parents in remote villages, intergenerational parenting, and economically disadvantaged families who are cared for by supplementary classes,
Let the children have a place to review their homework and play interactively after school.

Send the collected picture books to remote villages, so that children have sufficient reading resources,

Use the childlike way of picture books to understand the issues of food delivery by elders.

Invite companies to subscribe to the "Meal Delivery Grandma Picture Book" with love,
Let the children meet the elders to deliver meals together.


Which foundations will receive love subscription picture books?



​Try reading the food delivery grandma picture book

截圖 2021-12-20 下午6.30.10.png

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