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Suitable for a single person, about 1 to 3 days (depending on the frequency of consumption)

For those of you who occasionally want to eat pesticide-free salad greens or as a light snack for sandwiches, burgers, green shakes, etc.


|Product name "Non-toxic Lettuce Box 🥬" $399 per box, low-temperature free shipping!


per box  2~3 kinds of vegetables, about 600g

(Mainly seasonal vegetables, small farmers produce vegetables randomly)

|Cultivation method <br>Non-toxic|Hydroponic

|Vegetable items (small farmers randomly select and ship)


Romaine Lettuce

Caramel Lettuce

Red Flame Lettuce

Green Flame Lettuce

Red Oak Lettuce Red Oak

Green Oak Lettuce Green Oak

Green Roll Lettuce Green Iceberg

Red Iceberg

Butter Head

Red Butter Lettuce Red Princess

Sword Lettuce

Wrinkle Lettuce


Sesame Leaf Arugula|Rocket

Kale Kale

A dish Arden Lettuce 

Basil Basil

Fukuyama Lettuce 

Kyoto Mizuna

Baby Vegetables Baby leaf

Hydroponic non-toxic lettuce box (personal box)

  • 下單後如產量充足,將近快於1-3日出貨,但因生鮮農產品採收,易受天氣等因素影響(如雨天、氣溫變化、天熱等),為維護品質,如因天氣等不可抗拒因素無法採收,將會順延出貨,感謝大家諒解。

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