#DesignForTaiwan 『好好』社會設計線上展,上線中!
第五屆 #DesignForTaiwan(DFT)『好好』社會設計線上展,一群關懷台灣的熱血青年,
『疫情發燒、懶得出門,年輕人點開外送APP,午餐直接送到門口。但你想過如果是不懂科技、住在高樓層、上下樓梯不便、又或是偏遠地區的長者,該怎麼解決最基本的民生問題嗎?台灣已有許多基金會提供銀髮送餐服務,孫士姍也曾擔任送餐志工,卻在過程中逐漸意識到銀髮族送餐的諸多困境,包括缺工、服務片段、資源無法整合等。為了整合資源,孫士姍利用科技串聯,媒合送餐服務,並創立了 #銀色大門,希望藉此解決長者送餐所遇到的挑戰。
When young people want to order food delivery, it’s only a few clicks away on their smart phone. But it’s not the same for the elderly due to their unfamiliarity with modern technology. It’s even harder for those living in remote areas. How do they deal with this every day challenge? There are a lot of organizations working on food delivery for the elders. Sun Shi Shan once worked in one as a volunteer. But In the process, she witnessed a lot of struggles such as shortage of workers, difficulties of resource integration, or incomplete services. In order to gather all resources, she decides to introduce technology to tackle these challenges and founded the Silver Gates to focus on food delivery of the elders. In this speak, she will share her belief and how she tackles the issue. She even brings in theories in nutriology to specifically design menus that take care of special flavor designed for the elders. Food delivery delivers more than food. What they truly deliver is dignity, health and warm love.
錯過直播沒關係!線上觀看精彩講座—— 『以科技導入銀髮送餐台灣長照新革命』